Its just pacman.
Not too crazed.
Its just pacman.
Not too crazed.
Could be much better.
Do a version 2 and make it nothing like this. It would have been fun but it looked bad, the worst loop palying all the time, and it got boring real fast.
Yeah Ive been thinking and while the simple one for the calculator was fine real simple this needs a story and everything, also probably a fighting system or somthing. Expect BeerHunt V.2 in maybe a month.
Does anyone like this kind of game?
What's with the pong?
Fuck Pong. It would be nice if some one messed with the game and made it more fun but every time there's Pong on this site its the same old bullshit.
Best game I've seen in a while and the replay value is fuckin great. More, more, more!!!
Metallica rules.
But this submition did not. Ther's room for imporvement but keep trying. Don't listen to the asshole who said you should grow up. The guy who is retarded (sorry retards) enough to piss on what you believe in, music wise, while he obviously doesn't know shit about you or Metallica. Fuck him do want you want and keep 'tallica alive!!!
Would have been good...
if you would have used a GOOD band's music.
omg, You suck you have no taste.
This is for the LP fans.
Why did you play it if you don't like LP you stupied ass!@#$
To early....
This will be a great game some day but right now it should be submitted anywhere its far too underdeveloped.
That was actually a lot of fun! I think this game could use more options for the player and tricks but its a simple game that's simply fun.
I can't stop playing it.........
Everything about this game is perfect. There's no big flashy graphics or complicated controls, its pretty much just grapple and swing around but thats what makes it so damn fun.
No, I don't make Flashes. I BLAM them.
Age 41, Male
Laying down a lot.
Not anymore
Joined on 10/18/01